2024 FIDE World Rapid and Blitz Championships

Media Registration

Media representatives wishing to cover any FIDE official event must apply for accreditation using the form below.

Accreditation online is the only official channel to obtain registration for the media.

The Organizing Committee is not able to process nominations sent by any other method, such as e-mails, letters or faxes. Likewise, there is no on-site registration desk at the venue. Last minute applications, or applications submitted once the event has already started, are likely to be rejected.


How to collect your badge:
Media accreditation badges may be collected in person upon presenting identity document at the accreditation desk at 55 Wall Street (open tournament venue).

Accreditation desk operating hours:

  • on 25 December from 2 pm to 10 pm
  • on 26 December from 7 am to 7 pm
  • on other days of the event: from 1 pm to 6 pm


Access to the Playing hall:

Media with photo/video badges will have access to the dedicated media area of the playing hall for the first minutes of each round (5 mins for rapid, 3 mins for blitz).

There will be also an interview area for all accredited media on both venues.


Access to the spectators’ area:
Places in the general admission area of the playing hall will be provided to accredited media. Once entered, a media representative can stay there till the end of the round. Access to the area is provided on the same conditions as for normal audience.


From this link, you can download video footage from each playing day, as well as opening and closing ceremonies: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/8yj89h7h0ltp1nubnrm2k/AP6I32DT8EBH8mXmALAGJaI?rlkey=8w4o43y4juhmvvgfevbo175rb&st=d6w4ll9x&dl=0

This footage is supplied free of charge and is provided to the media as a courtesy from FIDE, strictly for editorial use only. These videos can be used as a visual reference to illustrate reports on TV stations or online media, with the exclusive purpose of informing about the Match. This editorial use does not include any commercial, promotional, advertorial, endorsement, advertising or merchandising use, aimed at promoting a product or service.  Recipients of these batches of video footage are authorized to create pieces of video news that include a maximum of 3 minutes of licensed content per playing day.


Broadcast delay:
Games of the FIDE World Rapid and Blitz Championships will be broadcast with delay. 5-minutes delay will be applied for rapid games, 2-minuted delay for blitz.


For media requests and managing media on site please contact Press Officer of the Championships Milan Dinic (milan.dinic@fide.com) or FIDE Head of PR Anna Volkova(anna.volkova@fide.com).



A request for accreditation does not mean automatic acceptance. All applicants will receive an e-mail regarding the status of their accreditation – including the non-successful applications. As soon as your application is approved, you will get an invitation for the detailed registration to the Chess Olympiad registration system via e-mail. This stage of the registration is necessary for the possible visa application and for the preparation of the accreditation card.
When granted, an accreditation covers the entire duration of the event.


Press accreditation is strictly reserved for media professionals who represent a bona fide media organization. Applicants must provide clear evidence they are on assignment from a specific news organization or publication. Journalists who meet FIDE’s media registration criteria will be accredited on a space-available basis, with priority being given to news agencies, TV stations, general daily newspapers, sports newspaper or magazines, and specialized chess media. Independent writers, bloggers, youtubers, and journalists not endorsed by a professional media, or only endorsed by an entity with no apparent editorial board oversight, are not eligible for accreditation. However, FIDE is endeavoring to take on board the new forms of information dissemination and social networking, and as an exception a limited number of passes may be granted. Accreditation of freelance reporters who fall within this category will be done on a case-by-case basis.


Press accreditations will be available in three categories:
A: Non-rights holding television broadcasters and other camera crews.
B: Photographers
C: Members of the written press.

Final Considerations

Media accreditation may only be used for coverage of the specific tournament for which was obtained, and does not constitute an endorsement for any other purpose. The International Chess Federation reserves the right to approve/reject/request further information on all applications in its sole discretion and without providing reasons for doing so. At any time, FIDE may revoke accreditation if it is put to improper use; if it has been used to abuse the privileges so extended; or if personal or public conduct is not consistent with the best interest of the organization. The press pass must not be loaned to another person; any pass in the possession of any individual to whom it was not issued will be confiscated. If you have an enquiry relating to accreditation, contact us at press@fide.com

Frequently Asked Questions

For all information related to media accreditation for FIDE official events, please refer to the answers provided alongside.